Friday, December 17, 2010

just me.

so friends are really funny sometimes.. not only friends.. just a lot of people.
i don't understand things they do sometimes. one of my biggest pet peeves
is when people are dishonest. when people just lie about so many things..
the worst is when it is so easy for them to do. it seems natural to them
so they feel like it's okay to lie all the time. really what that says to me is
either they're not comfortable with who they really are. or who they're 
being. and when you're not comfortable with who you're being.. usually 
that simply means you're not being who you are. seems simple enough,
 am i right..?
 like when they are doing something and they make it seem to others 
that they believe it is okay. but in reality, they know it's wrong. and
 it's not them. so they lie about it. seriously, if you're doing something that 
you don't feel comfortable with others knowing.. then why are you doing it?
 i guess i just don't really understand other peoples' trains of thought.. 
i would never want to do something intentionally that i know i will be 
ashamed of... i dunno. am i the only one that feels that way? possibly.
woah. i don't even know what i'm trying to say. i guess i just wish people
would quit trying to be something they're not. and i know people say that
all they time. but really, there are few things of more importance than being
you. i mean, who wouldn't want to be themselves anyway? and really, what feeling
is better than knowing that you have friends that love you because they got 
to know you. not someone you're trying to be. 
personally, life feels so much lighter and carefree and awesome when all 
you have to worry about is being yourself. just relying on your own beliefs 
and opinions..
seems so much easier, right?
okay now i just keep blabbing and partially repeating myself. and anyone who
reads this probably won't understand any of it unless you knew my every thought. 
all in all, when i truly realized exactly who i was and became comfortable being me, 
and only me, is when i realized how great life is.
i love being just me

cause i'm super awesome.