Tuesday, December 21, 2010

grandmas and life.

like i said in my facebook status about... 10 minutes ago, grandma d makes my heart sing.

she seriously is the cutest thing in the whole world. she's a cookie-making, cheek-pinching kind of lady. and the greatest ever. oh my gosh.. don't even get my started on my grandpa... he's such a treat. ohhh family is seriously the greatest thing in the world. especially the elderly ones. today we had our annual densley family christmas party. it was the greatest. i ate four breadsticks. and no, i do not regret it.

so i know this may sound silly to some, but i really enjoy being a good girl. some might say that i was.. missing out..? maybe? but no. i am not. my life is so perfect and simple and i know a huge part is just because i make good choices for myself. and i have the funnest time in the world playing with my friends, who are also good girls and boys. and i've seriously never been happier. and pretty much since.. forever, i've had some good friends who don't necessarily make the same choices as i do. and i don't judge them for that.. i mean, it's their life. not mine. but i've been friends with these people regardless. because i love them just the same. obviously. but you never realize what difference it makes in your life when you're not around yucky stuff all the time. i love love love all my friends. but sometimes i realize it might be better for me to watch the kind of environment i'm in. i never realized the difference until i'm around all those great people who have the same goals as i do. still, i love all my friends. sometimes it is just easier to be around ones who view things the same way more often..  and that doesn't mean i'm judging my awesome friends who just have different priorities. at all. never. i love all my friends and they all play a HUGE role in my life and am so grateful for them.

i just love life. it is too good for me. it's not that anything exceptionally exciting is happening.. it's just that i'm happy. :) i'm happy with the world and i'm happy with myself. i feel like even when there's something to be sad about.. it's more fun to be happy. that's all.

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