Saturday, December 11, 2010

lame things.

 so since my profile.. thing is not personal what so ever... i decided to answer a million way lame, random questions about myself.. for fun! except i'm going to do only a couple every time..

Why were you given your particular name?
rachel.. no clue.
leilani.. i was born in hawaii. it means 'heavenly flower' or 'heavenly child'. and that's what i am. duh.
densley.. cause i had to.

How many brothers and sisters do you have?
3 brothers.
   Nate + Kelsey (sister in law)
       Nate is almost my favorite. only cause he thinks i'm the funniest and always facebook stalks me and comments on things. it is wayyy too the funniest.
       they are the cutest and have the cutiest little kids.
       + Brinlee Mae 3
       + Kaysen Wayne 2
       + little baby.. not born yet.
       Not married. probably never will be. slash he's my favorite. we are like.. good friends now. i really like him. he laughs and my jokes and thinks i'm cool and stuff. and i, him. if anyone ever reads this and has a cute sister, hook them up.
      This studly guy is my favorite. He's on a mission right now in Pennsylvania. and he is the best best best best missionary in the world! before he left we would always have brother/sister sleepovers and we were just the best of friends. i miss him tons and tons.
1 sister
   MegHan + Gavin (brother in law)
       These two fart a lot and are gross. but i love them still i guess.. :-)

What is your favorite food?
   So lately i've been going to sushi downtown a lot. i go with the very few friends i have left. tara, colton, sometimes carter... that's about it. all my friends are either at school, won't play with me, or on missions.  ohh i love boys that go on missions. so much. really, they all say it.. but boys really grow up so much on their missions. and sometimes that's what every boy i ever met in the whole wide world needs. go on a mission. then we can get married. where are all those nice, respectful, return missionary boys anyway? gotta get myself one of those. stat! screw dating. someone just marry me?

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