so i guess this would be a good time for blogging. for all the millions of people who will read this.... not. probably connor only. but maybe not even him. maybe just myself. anywho.. probably i am in africa now. africa is the funnest. mostly i expected to see giraffes and monkeys. but only giraffe rice and monkey babies. kidding it's not giraffe rice. just jollof rice. but it sounds like giraffe so it is. also orphan babies crawl all over you head and look in your ears and hair so they are monkeys too. this place is too nuts. everyone is so nice and every child you pass waves at you. any orphanage or school you go to, you are automatically everyones best friend. they love you automatically. so even if i was the biggest loser ever, i would be the most popular.
probably i want to adopt a million black babies. or maybe i will just become an orphan myself and live with these children. okay maybe not.
too many things to say i don't even know what.... so i won't.
rachel leilani.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
grandmas and life.
like i said in my facebook status about... 10 minutes ago, grandma d makes my heart sing.
she seriously is the cutest thing in the whole world. she's a cookie-making, cheek-pinching kind of lady. and the greatest ever. oh my gosh.. don't even get my started on my grandpa... he's such a treat. ohhh family is seriously the greatest thing in the world. especially the elderly ones. today we had our annual densley family christmas party. it was the greatest. i ate four breadsticks. and no, i do not regret it.
so i know this may sound silly to some, but i really enjoy being a good girl. some might say that i was.. missing out..? maybe? but no. i am not. my life is so perfect and simple and i know a huge part is just because i make good choices for myself. and i have the funnest time in the world playing with my friends, who are also good girls and boys. and i've seriously never been happier. and pretty much since.. forever, i've had some good friends who don't necessarily make the same choices as i do. and i don't judge them for that.. i mean, it's their life. not mine. but i've been friends with these people regardless. because i love them just the same. obviously. but you never realize what difference it makes in your life when you're not around yucky stuff all the time. i love love love all my friends. but sometimes i realize it might be better for me to watch the kind of environment i'm in. i never realized the difference until i'm around all those great people who have the same goals as i do. still, i love all my friends. sometimes it is just easier to be around ones who view things the same way more often.. and that doesn't mean i'm judging my awesome friends who just have different priorities. at all. never. i love all my friends and they all play a HUGE role in my life and am so grateful for them.
i just love life. it is too good for me. it's not that anything exceptionally exciting is happening.. it's just that i'm happy. :) i'm happy with the world and i'm happy with myself. i feel like even when there's something to be sad about.. it's more fun to be happy. that's all.
so i know this may sound silly to some, but i really enjoy being a good girl. some might say that i was.. missing out..? maybe? but no. i am not. my life is so perfect and simple and i know a huge part is just because i make good choices for myself. and i have the funnest time in the world playing with my friends, who are also good girls and boys. and i've seriously never been happier. and pretty much since.. forever, i've had some good friends who don't necessarily make the same choices as i do. and i don't judge them for that.. i mean, it's their life. not mine. but i've been friends with these people regardless. because i love them just the same. obviously. but you never realize what difference it makes in your life when you're not around yucky stuff all the time. i love love love all my friends. but sometimes i realize it might be better for me to watch the kind of environment i'm in. i never realized the difference until i'm around all those great people who have the same goals as i do. still, i love all my friends. sometimes it is just easier to be around ones who view things the same way more often.. and that doesn't mean i'm judging my awesome friends who just have different priorities. at all. never. i love all my friends and they all play a HUGE role in my life and am so grateful for them.
i just love life. it is too good for me. it's not that anything exceptionally exciting is happening.. it's just that i'm happy. :) i'm happy with the world and i'm happy with myself. i feel like even when there's something to be sad about.. it's more fun to be happy. that's all.
Friday, December 17, 2010
just me.
so friends are really funny sometimes.. not only friends.. just a lot of people.
i don't understand things they do sometimes. one of my biggest pet peeves
is when people are dishonest. when people just lie about so many things..
the worst is when it is so easy for them to do. it seems natural to them
so they feel like it's okay to lie all the time. really what that says to me is
either they're not comfortable with who they really are. or who they're
being. and when you're not comfortable with who you're being.. usually
that simply means you're not being who you are. seems simple enough,
am i right..?
like when they are doing something and they make it seem to others
that they believe it is okay. but in reality, they know it's wrong. and
it's not them. so they lie about it. seriously, if you're doing something that
you don't feel comfortable with others knowing.. then why are you doing it?
i guess i just don't really understand other peoples' trains of thought..
i would never want to do something intentionally that i know i will be
ashamed of... i dunno. am i the only one that feels that way? possibly.
woah. i don't even know what i'm trying to say. i guess i just wish people
would quit trying to be something they're not. and i know people say that
all they time. but really, there are few things of more importance than being
you. i mean, who wouldn't want to be themselves anyway? and really, what feeling
is better than knowing that you have friends that love you because they got
to know you. not someone you're trying to be.
personally, life feels so much lighter and carefree and awesome when all
you have to worry about is being yourself. just relying on your own beliefs
and opinions..
seems so much easier, right?
okay now i just keep blabbing and partially repeating myself. and anyone who
reads this probably won't understand any of it unless you knew my every thought.
all in all, when i truly realized exactly who i was and became comfortable being me,
and only me, is when i realized how great life is.
i love being just me.
cause i'm super awesome.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
stupid people.
connor is so
it makes me want to
slit my wrists...
AHHHHH! 'i used to do that!'
girl. friends of connor are so

hate you.
it makes me want to
slit my wrists...
AHHHHH! 'i used to do that!'
girl. friends of connor are so
hate you.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
lame things.
so since my profile.. thing is not personal what so ever... i decided to answer a million way lame, random questions about myself.. for fun! except i'm going to do only a couple every time..
How many brothers and sisters do you have?
Why were you given your particular name?
rachel.. no clue.
leilani.. i was born in hawaii. it means 'heavenly flower' or 'heavenly child'. and that's what i am. duh.
densley.. cause i had to.
How many brothers and sisters do you have?
3 brothers.
Nate + Kelsey (sister in law)
Nate is almost my favorite. only cause he thinks i'm the funniest and always facebook stalks me and comments on things. it is wayyy too the funniest.
they are the cutest and have the cutiest little kids.
+ Brinlee Mae 3
+ Kaysen Wayne 2
+ little baby.. not born yet.
Not married. probably never will be. slash he's my favorite. we are like.. good friends now. i really like him. he laughs and my jokes and thinks i'm cool and stuff. and i, him. if anyone ever reads this and has a cute sister, hook them up.
This studly guy is my favorite. He's on a mission right now in Pennsylvania. and he is the best best best best missionary in the world! before he left we would always have brother/sister sleepovers and we were just the best of friends. i miss him tons and tons.
1 sister
MegHan + Gavin (brother in law)
These two fart a lot and are gross. but i love them still i guess.. :-)
What is your favorite food?
So lately i've been going to sushi downtown a lot. i go with the very few friends i have left. tara, colton, sometimes carter... that's about it. all my friends are either at school, won't play with me, or on missions. ohh i love boys that go on missions. so much. really, they all say it.. but boys really grow up so much on their missions. and sometimes that's what every boy i ever met in the whole wide world needs. go on a mission. then we can get married. where are all those nice, respectful, return missionary boys anyway? gotta get myself one of those. stat! screw dating. someone just marry me?
Friday, December 3, 2010
stupid life.
oh i do hate blogging.. i swear, this thing is the hardest in the whole world...i don't get it. ugh. so uhmm lets see. i don't have much to blog about.................. i don't do anything in my life. oh! this is news. i traded the leg i use with my crutches! it was the right. and i had a super buff right leg and floppy left leg. then my pelvis started to hurt way bad. so i went to creep sauce dr. hillyard... i took some x-rays.. and no. a screw isn't coming loose. he poked my.. area a few times.. nothing. so he told me........ that he had no idea what was wrong. so we traded from my right leg to my left since the pain was on the right side.. ya know. and it's the hardest thing in the world. who knew that muscles were so helpful? i practically fell over when i first switched. and i feel like i have bruises on my foot.
uhhh... okay for real, i don't know how to blog.. usually people say cool, insightful things.. with pictures and crap. but me? no. i write real boring stories of what happen in my extra loser-ish life. like a really lame journal entry.
gosh i'm good at this.
oh i totally learned how to change font things... wow. you learn something new every day.
so uhm... kay bye!
uhhh... okay for real, i don't know how to blog.. usually people say cool, insightful things.. with pictures and crap. but me? no. i write real boring stories of what happen in my extra loser-ish life. like a really lame journal entry.
gosh i'm good at this.
oh i totally learned how to change font things... wow. you learn something new every day.
so uhm... kay bye!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Dear Ellen, Hi. Love, Sarah
Blogging is hard.. sometimes i forget it exists slash never have anything to say.. that's new. I do know one thing... Ellen is the greatest. I sent a picture of Sarah to her today... hopefully she'll make it to her 'Bad Paid For Tattoos'... i think she could do it. If you are a good friend of mine, you should know who Sarah is. Uhmm.. see ya.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
blog? wtf.
so once upon a time i had a lovely friend named stevie. she insisted i get a blog and start blogging. i don't even know what this crazy blogging shenanigans is.. so.. here is a blog. i am 100% tired. i guess maybe i'll write cool things later.. i mean.. if that's what you do on a blog..?
goodbye blog.
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